Elite Health Hacks: Changing the Game of Longevity
As your wealth accumulates, do you wonder the following:
Why strive for wealth if not to enjoy a longer, healthier life?
Why not age with grace and mobility rather than confinement?
Health is the new wealth for a group redefining the human experience.
This study, for example, shows that being wealthy adds 9 years to your life. That's why I want to bring this topic to our discussions, and I'd like you to add it to your long-term plans as well.
A lot of terms get thrown around, like biohacking. Long story short, it involves optimizing physical and mental health through science, technology, and self-experimentation.
It's a broad spectrum that ranges from simple dietary changes and intermittent fasting to genetic engineering and brain-computer interfaces.
For those pursuing longevity, biohacking represents a toolkit for extending life and enhancing its quality.
Over the last year, I have stepped up my own game, as I am 41 now.
I made sure to get exercise 7 days a week for the last year, and this is now part of my routine. Things in motion tend to stay in motion.
This is either running, cycling, or weightlifting. As a matter of fact, weightlifting has become increasingly serious in the past few months.
I go to the gym several times a week and have workout plans on an app.
I'm also part of Bionic Health in NC. They check blood and test fitness abilities every quarter.
These are the modules they are rolling out.
Tests like VO2 max and dexa scans give you insights into your body measurements and longevity.
The goal is to improve any off-track biomarkers you want to change.
There are other health programs you may check out, like Inside Tracker, 10xhealth, and Tally Health.
Warren Buffet may have all the money, but time is a finite resource for everyone.
Investing in your health can lead to better results in your business and personal life.
Having a plan drives the best results in anything you do.
The food for the week is planned, and my awesome wife makes my meals on Mondays.
This process may take around two hours, but this is for lunch, dinner, and part of breakfast for the whole week.
I eat an avocado, rosette potatoes, peppers, onions, 5 eggs, and Greek yogurt for breakfast.
Then, for lunch and dinner, I eat two of the same meals per week every day.
These are the following meals we rotate now:
Each dish is weighed on a scale for consistency and then placed in black containers in the fridge for the week.
I can microwave in less than 90 seconds, eat, and get on with my day.
Last, I rarely eat out, don’t eat processed carbs, and don't drink alcohol.
Sleep has been found to be one of the most important factors for longevity and health.
I am getting between 7 and 8 hours a night and being consistent.
I get to sleep around 9-9:30 pm and wake up around 4-5:30 am, depending on the day and time of year.
No need to set an alarm; I just naturally wake up at about 7.5 hours on average.
We use an air purifier in the room, acting as a sound machine.
Blackout curtains on the windows.
Everyone will be different, depending on their bloodwork and personal goals.
As we age, hormones are one of the big ones, so getting that checked periodically is a must.
You can test vitamins first and then go with prescriptions to get them in line.
Some daily Fish Oil and Qunol are recommended by a lot of experts.
There are all kinds of opinions here, and the best you can do is get with your longevity doctor after a blood work is performed.
Over the next couple of decades, we will know if biohacking is beneficial to longevity.
As biohackers age and their health is measured, we will know if we can be more mobile 'til death.
The truth is that finding the key to success in all health programs is finding those that work for you.
Still, some general rules are:
This week was all about sustaining your healthspan. Here I compiled all that you need to get started.
Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity(Petter Attia - a MUST read)
Bryan Johnson's ProtocolVideo:
How to live in a way to SLOW DOWN your aging!insights and personalized recommendations based on your blood and DNA data.
advanced gene testing, IV therapy, and more for peak well-being.
biological age clock that was trained to predict biological age.
an excellent source of omega-3s, which is good for the heart and the brain.
it helps restore optimal levels of CoQ10 that your body needs to feel healthy and stay energized
great whoop alternative for Apple users.
Health Reports for Apple fans.